Inspirational and anointed books that you will enjoy.
Some of my favorite authors:
Liz Wright: Ekklesia. Reflecting God, Loved
Eric Gilmore: Union and and numerous other books
Andrew Murray: A huge number of classic inspiring books.
Charlie Shamp: Mystical Prayer,  Transfigured, Angels a biblical school of living light., Ascension, Altars, and Chosen.
Bill Johnson:  Many many great books.
Kathryn Krick: The secret of the Anointing.
Jennifer Miskov:  Defining Moments with Bill Johnson.  Other anointed books as well.
John Crowder:  The New Mystics.
Chad Gonzales: Naturally Supernatural, An Alternate Reality and others.
Cal Pierce: Prepare the Way, The Journey
John G. Lake: The Flow of the Spirit and many other anointed books
Brian Guerin:  Supernatural Realities.
Alan Platt:  Not do but done
Wendy Buckland:  Living from the Unseen
The Mirror Study Bible: Francois du Toit
Harold Buck: Angels on Assignment, The Revelations of Roland Buck.
Paul Keith Davis: The Voice of the Bride
David Edwards: The Call for Revivalists.
Sara-Jane Biggart:  Seeing Beyond
Shawn Bolz:  Encounter and other wonderful books as well
EW Kenyon: New Creation Realities, Two Kinds of Righteousness, Two kinds of Faith, The New kind of Love and many more.
Kenneth Hagin SR: Many fantastic books on faith and the Holy Spirit. hrist.
Jennifer Eviaz: Prophetic Secrets and many other anointed books
Joshua Mills: Power Portals and ,any other books.
Adam F. Thompson: Supernatural Man, The divinity code to understanding Angels, The Elijah Invitation
AW Tozer: So Many great books to choose from, The Root of righteousness is a good one
Charles Finney: Lectures on Revival
Charles Capps:  Powerful books about your words: The Tongue a Creative Force.
Joyce Meyer: The Love Revolution and numerous others that will bless you!
Roberts Lairdon: God's Generals
Jennifer Martin:  Awaken The Dark Horse Prophet.  This book is the inspiration for my home page.
Kevin L.Zadai: Mystery of the Power Words. Stories from the Glory.  More great books as well.
Kynan Bridges:  Unlocking the Code of the Supernatural, and other fantastic books you will want to read.
David Diga Hernandez: Praying in the Holy Spirit
Rick Joyner: The Second American Revolution/Civil War
T. J. Mccrossan: Bodily Healing and the Atonement
Charles S. Price: Two Worlds, the real faith and others.
Maria Wordsworth-Etter: Signs and Wonders
James Maloney: Ladies of Gold Volumes 1,2, and 3
TL Osborn: Healing the Sick
Maxwell Whyte: The Power of the Blood
Kevin Basconi: Angels in the realms of heaven, plus many other books about angels.